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FDI Forum 2023

Fri 15th September at 09.00 - 11.00

Join us for the morning of Friday, September 15 for Amcham’s Annual Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Forum that brings together business leaders, industry experts and decisionmakers to discuss the opportunities and success factors for Finland to become the leading destination for investments and strategic talent.

The global investment environment is undergoing seismic changes. Rapid technological transformation, growing environmental demands and the geopolitical landscape force businesses to rethink their investments. How can Finland capitalize on this disruption and set itself up for success? What responses and policies are required now to meet the changing needs of businesses?


  • Welcome – Alexandra Pasternak-Jackson, CEO, Amcham Finland
  • Katja Keitaanniemi, CEO, OP Yrityspankki/OP Corporate Bank: Economic Outlook: What’s Ahead for Finland
  • Anthony Gemmel, Senior Director, Johnson & Johnson: Reality Check: How does Finland really perform as a destination for global life-science investments?
  • Susanna Mäkelä, Sr Director Government Affairs, Microsoft: Two case examples from international company perspective


  • Katja Keitaanniemi, CEO, OP Corporate Bank
  • Anthony Gemmell, Senior Director, Johnson & Johnson
  • Jussi Herlin, Vice-Chair of Board of Directors, KONE
  • Stefan Sundman, VP, Public Affairs, UPM
  • Oktay Nuri, Managing Director, DHL Express Finland
  • Susanna Mäkelä, Senior Government Affairs, Microsoft
  • Katri Kulmuni, Member of Parliament, Keskusta (Centre Party)

The panel is moderated by Hanna Kivelä, Managing Director at Fujitsu and member of Amcham Advisory Board.


Main organizer: Amcham Finland